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Marine Computing & Internet - Marine Computing & Internet Abacus e-Media Abacus e-Media - Portsmouth ABS Nautical Systems LLC ADEC Marine
Adonis Data AS Advance Craft Design Advanced Global Communications Advanced Global Communications Advanced New Technology (ANT)
Aeoliki Marine Ltd AeroHydro Inc AeroLogic AfriqueTechnologies Svcs Alang Today Information Co
Albacore Research Ltd Alicom Systems Ltd ALS Informatics SA AM2 France AMEC Earth & Enviromental
American Bureau of Shipping Andren Software Co Anite Travel Systems Ltd ANS Maritime BV ANS Maritime BV Meppel
Antiqua Marine Engineering AP & GF Marine LLC AP & GF Marine LLC Applied Flow Technology Applied Flow Technology
Applied Science Associates Inc Arena Argoss BV Argoss BV AS Navicharts
ASA Aquitaine ASA Ltd ASA South America Ashland Specialty-Drew Marine Asia-Pacific Applied Science
Atlantis Scientific Inc Automation Sciences Inc Autoship Spain - INABAL Autoship Systems (UK) Autoship Systems Corp
AVECS Corp AG AVEVA Asia Pacific AVEVA Asia Pacific AVEVA Grp Plc AVEVA Inc - USA
AVEVA Korea Avient Solutions Ltd AXSMarine BALance Technology Consulting Baron & Dunworth Pty Ltd
Baseline Technology BASS - India BASS - Malaysia BASS - Singapore BASS - United Arab Emirates
BASS - United States BASS AS - Norway Beaumont Associates Benefit Software Bimco Informatique AS
Blue Peter Marine Systems BMT Fleet Technology Ltd BMT Fleet Technology Ltd BMT Seatech - Hampshire BMT Seatech Ltd
BMT Seatech Ltd - Tyne & Wear Bond Instrumentation - SNG BP Marine Ltd British Aerospace, Land & Sea Broadband Maritime
Brokerbase Systems Co Bruhn NewTech Ltd Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Bureau Veritas Burmester & Vogel
Burness Corlett - IOM Burness Corlett - Southampton Burness Corlett - Three Quays Burness Corlett - Three Quays Burness Corlett Australia
C-Map Australia (Pty) Ltd C-Map Baltic Ltd C-Map Commercial Inc C-Map France Sarl C-Map Hellas Ltd
C-Map Holland C-Map Norway AS C-Map Srl C-Map UK Ltd Captn Jack's Software Source
Caretronic Technik GmbH Celarix Inc, Metro NY Office Celestaire Centrum Techniki Okretowej SA
Channel Logistics LLC Chartworx Holland BV Chartworx Holland BV Chase Information Tech Svcs Chemina
CHH Lodestar CHH Lodestar - Mt Maunganui Chipcraft Ltd Cintranaval-Defcar SL CMC Ltd
CMC Ltd - Hyderabad Coastal Research Coastdesign (Australasia) Coastdesign Norway AS Columbia Weather Systems Inc
Community Network Svcs (CNS) Compusult Ltd Computational Mechanics Computational Mechanics Inc Computer Solutions BV
Comspec Digital Products Inc Conmar - Marine Consulting Conmar - Marine Consulting Conmar do Brasil Ltda Cosmos NV
Craig Ocean Systems Inc CRAIN Creative Systems Inc CressComm Ltd CyberLogitec
CyberMarine Information Ltd Cybernetics System Damcos AS Damcos AS Danaos (USA) Inc
Danaos Management Cons UK Danaos Management Consultants Danaos Services (India) Inc Danaos Software Services Danaos Support (India) Pvt Ltd
Danaos Systems (Cyprus) Ltd Dart Maritime Service Inc Datastream Systems Datastream Systems Inc David Henry Architecture Naval
Davis Instruments Decision Japan Denar Chartering Inc Denmarine Cc Design Systems & Technologies
Det Norske Veritas Software Digital Ship Dimitrios Thomas Marine Ltd DLI Engineering Corp
DNV Maritime Partner AS Dockside Marine Electronics Dolphin Maritime Software Ltd Dotcom Technologies DPN Software
Dualog AS Dualog Singapore e-milles creations EasyLink Services Corp Eccon GmbH
EDO Corp EIVA AS eLading Software Inc Elite France Sarl Elite Group Inc
Elite International HK Ltd Elite International Logistics Elite Intl Logistics SA Elite Italy Elite Paloume NV
Elite Sapoti Brazil Elite Spain SL Elite UK Ltd Elomatic/Cadmatic OY Energy Marine (Intl) Ltd
Enfotec Technical Svc Inc Euronav Ltd Europacific Maritime Solutions Eurotec Marine Exis Technologies Ltd
Fairplay Publications Inc Fednav Ltd Ferry Management Services Ltd Fidelio Cruise GmbH Fidelio Cruise Inc
Fiorenzi Marine Grp Force Technology Force Technology Force Technology Norway AS Force Technology Sweden AB
Forecast Systems Ltd Formation Design Systems Pty Foure Lagadec FreightDesk Technologies
Freightgate France Freightgate Inc Freightgate Philadelphia FWL Tech - USA FWL Tech Asia Pte Ltd
FWL Tech Ltd G-Log G-Log Prussia G-Log UK Gallagher Marine Systems
GasTOPS Ltd GasTOPS Ltd Gateway Software BV Gateway Software BV Gaurav Mercan Tiles Ltd
General Acoustics GmbH GeoAcoustics Asia Pacific Pte GeoAcoustics Inc GeoAcoustics Ltd GeoAcoustics Ltd - India
Geonav Ltd - United Kingdom Geonav Marine Systems GLM Lasermestechnik GmbH Global Maritime Global Maritime - Norway
Global Maritime Ltd - USA Global Maritime Scotland Ltd Global Navigation Software Co Global Tracking Solutions Ltd Globe Wireless - Denmark
Globe Wireless - Greece Globe Wireless - Hamburg Globe Wireless - Houston Globe Wireless - Liverpool Globe Wireless - Netherlands
Globe Wireless - Singapore Globe Wireless (HK) Ltd Globe Wireless, Corp HQ AG Graphics Research Corp
GT Nexus Gustin Nautical Sales GXS HAB Software GmbH & Co KG Halberstadt & Co Inc
Hamilton Global Navigation Ltd Hamilton Global Navigation Ltd Harbour Mastery Inc Harbour Mastery Inc Hashem, Capt Ahmed
HDD Recovery Australia Helintec SA Herbert Engineering Corp Herbert Engineering Corp Herbert Engineering Shanghai
Herbert Software Solutions Hitec O AS Hitec O AS Hoffman, William L Hogia Ferry Systems AB
Hoi Tung Shanghai Co Ltd Hornet Software/Claremont Ctrl Houston Marine Training Svcs HPC Hamburg Port Consulting HPC Hamburg Port Consulting
Hydrocomp Inc Hydrographic & Marine Cons HYDROMOD Scientific Consulting HYDROMOD Scientific Consulting Hydroservice AS
IB Informatica Srl IBM Corp IBS Software Services - Dubai IBS Software Services (P) IBS Software Services (P) Ltd
IBS Software Services Americas IBS Software Svcs IBS Technologies (P) Ltd Ideal Business Services Ltd IHI Marine United Inc
Ilex Computing Ltd IMarEST Impatex Computer Systems Ltd InCoreTec Inc Incremental Ltd Pvt Ltd Infobricks Technology (India) INFORM GmbH InPORT Intelligent Port System InPORT Intelligent Port System
Intech Integer Micro Systems Ltd Integer Micro Systems Ltd Interactive Training Solutions Intering GmbH
Interlink Technologies Inc InterOcean Systems Inc Interphase Technologies Intl Communications (ICAN) Intl Shipping Federation
Intl Submarine Engineering Intralink Service Ltd Inventory Locator (ILS) Ionian Navigation & Management IProSoft
Isherwood Ltd, Sir Joseph iShipexchange ISIC AS Island Computer Systems
J&A Marine Consultant Jade Direct Australia Pty Ltd Jade Direct UK Ltd Jade Direct USA Corp Jade Software Corp Ltd
JASCO Research Ltd JASCO Research Ltd Jeppesen Marine Jeppesen Marine JLR Engineering Solutions
John Evans Intl Ltd Journal of Commerce Group Kasten Marine Design Inc Keel Marine Ltd Kingwill & Associates
Klein Systems Group Ltd Kockum Sonics AB Krohn Johansen Forlag AS Krohn Johansen Forlag AS Kronodoc OY
KSD Software Intl BV Kurosh Davoudi Laycan Solutions AS LevelSeas Ltd Liberate Software Ltd
Livewire Connections Ltd Livewire Digital Ltd Lloyd's Reg - FOBAS Lloyd's Register Lloyd's Register - Fairplay
Loadmaster International AB Locus Weather Lodic AS Logic Vision BV Logic Vision BV
Logimatic Group LOPOS Technologies GmbH LR-Fairplay - Singapore LR-Fairplay - Sweden Lyngsoe Marine AS
Machina Networks AS Macola UK Ltd MACSEA Ltd Maersk Data Transport Malin Instruments Ltd
Malliaroudakis Maritime Ltd Manalytics Intl Inc Manpower Software Inc Manpower Software Plc Maptech Inc
Mar-Link Net Marbach Egypt Marconsult Srl Marimatech AS Marincom Intl Systems
Marine Alignment AS Marine Computing Ltd Marine Internet.Com Pte Ltd Marine Press of Canada Marine Safety Services Ltd
Marine Software Ltd Marine Structure Consultants Marine Structure Consultants Marine Survey & Design Co Marine Survey Services
Marine Technologies LLC Marine Trans AS Marine Transaction Svcs Marine Transaction Svcs AS MarineNet Co Ltd
MarineProvider - HK MarineProvider - UK MarineProvider - USA MarineProvider ASA Mariner Group LLC, The
Mariner Sys (UK) - Test Lab Mariner Systems (UK) Ltd Mariner Systems Inc (MSI) MarineSoft Entwicklungs MarineSoft Pte Ltd
Marisec Publications Maritime Cargo Processing Maritime Corporate Maritime Information Systems Maritime Research Inc
Maritime Sector Specialists Pte Ltd Pte Ltd MaritimeData Ltd Marline Technologies Ltd
Marline Technologies Ltd Marsat South MARSIG mbH Marsoft Inc Marsoft Inc (London)
Marsoft International AS Maryland Nautical Sales MasterShip MaxSea International MCS (Modern Computing Svcs)
MCS Group Measurement Technology Inc Med Caspian Survey & Services Media Magic OY Mentat Inc
MER Systems Meridata Finland Ltd Meridian Chartware Ltd Mespas Ltd MET Motoren GmbH
Meteo Consult BV (SPOS) MeteoMer METOCEAN Data Systems Ltd Micad Marine Milbros Software AS
Minitech Systems Ltd MISG Software Inc Mitsui Engineering & Shpbldg Moore Stephens LLP Morintech Navigation AS
Morintech Navigation AS Morris Group UK Ltd Motion Smith MPRI Ship Analytics Inc Ms Logistik Systeme GmbH
MSS - Azeri Branch MSS - Scottish Branch MSS International Ltd MSS Middle East MSS SpA
MTU Friedrichshafen Muller + Blanck Software GmbH Multi Advanced Technology Ltd Napa Ltd
NasionCom Sdn Bhd Nauta Tec SL Spain Nauticos Corp Navalia di Stefano Thermes SAS Navarik Corp
Navarik Corp Navingo BV Navis Intl LLC Navis LLC Navis LLC
NetManager Consulting NetManager Consulting - Blgm Network Telex Network Telex (Asia Pacific) Network Telex (Australia)
Network Telex (China) Network Telex (East Africa) Network Telex (Germany) Network Telex (India) Network Telex (Japan)
Network Telex (Latin America) Network Telex (Middle East) Network Telex (North America) Network Telex (Panama) Network Telex (South Africa)
Network Telex (Zambia) New Wave Systems Inc Nlightened Software Ltd Noble Denton - Dubai Noble Denton - Houston
Noble Denton - Rio de Janeiro Noble Denton Cairo Noble Denton Canada Ltd Noble Denton Cons - Aberdeen Noble Denton Consultants Ltd
Noble Denton Norge AS Noble Denton Qatar Noble Denton Singapore Norcom Technology - Aberdeen Norcom Technology Ltd
Norwegian Maritime Software Novasys Inc Numeriek Centrum Groningen BV Numeriek Centrum Groningen BV Oasis Ship Management LLC
Observation Technologies Ocean Calm Technology Inc Ocean Industries (Asia) Co Ocean Systems Inc OceanConnect UK Ltd Inc Oceanic Imaging Consultants Oceanus Software Co - New York Oceanus Software Co LLC OceanWaveS GmbH
Oceanweather Inc - Europe ODS - Petrodata Inc ODS-Petrodata - Aberdeen
ODS-Petrodata - Edinburgh ODS-Petrodata - Lafayette ODS-Petrodata - Oslo ODS-Petrodata - Singapore Ohmex Ltd
Omni Tracking Systems Ltd Onboard-Napa Ltd OniX Software AS Onsoft Computer Systems AS Orcina Ltd
Orkan Yachting Industries OSI Applications P&G Computer Comms Ltd Paterson Instruments Ltd Pauaware Ltd
PC Maritime Ltd PIERS PIERS de Mexico PIERS Malaysia PIERS Miramar
PIERS San Francisco PIERS Tampa PIERS UK Pilot Maritime AS Pole Star Space Applications
Portualia Portuguese Hydrographic Inst Poten & Partners (UK) Ltd Poten & Partners Inc Powerlan Ltd
Prime Mover Controls Inc Product Development Co, The Pronav AS Proteus Engineering Div PT Noble Denton Utama
Quantum Business - Chile Quantum Business - Hong Kong Quantum Business Solutions Quintek Systems Ltd Radio Holland - Long Beach, CA
Radio Holland Belgium Radio Holland Group BV Radio Holland Hong Kong Rathmann Raymarine Plc
Registro Italiano (RINA) Reinhardt Software GmbH Reinhardt Software Ltd Reson AS Resurgence Software Inc
Resuscitators (Marine) Ltd Richardson Lawrie Assoc RightShip Pty Ltd RINAVE - Consultadoria e Serv Roxar - Beijing
Roxar (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Roxar AS Roxar Inc - Houston Roxar Ltd - Dubai Roxar Ltd - London
Roxar Moscow Roxar Pty Ltd - Perth Roxar Software Solutions Royale Oceanic Runner Engineering & Equipment
Safe Navigation Inc SAJ Instrument AB Ltd SAJ Instrument AB Ltd SAM Electronics GmbH SAM Electronics Japan
SAM Electronics Korea SAM Electronics Nederland SAM Electronics Norge SAM Electronics UK Ltd SAM Electronics-China
SAM Taihang Electronics Samaser Sansui Software Pvt Ltd SARC BV Satpool Software Solutions AS
Satpool Software Solutions AS SBN Technologies - Cochin SBN Technologies Pvt Ltd Schema Ltd Schenker (Asia Pacific) Ltd
Schiffstechnik Buchloh Scientific Fishery Systems Scientific Fishery Systems Inc Scientific Fishery Systems Inc SCS Ltd
Sea Information Systems Seacos Computersystems Seafacs Information (SIR) SEAL's Ltd
Seamanship Intl Ltd SeaQuipment BV SeaSupplier Ltd SeaSupplier Ltd - Bermuda SeaSupplier Ltd - Greece
SeaSupplier Ltd - Houston SeaSupplier Ltd - Singapore Seatechnik Seaware AB Seaware AB
Seawave & Rydex Seawave & Rydex - Singapore Seawave & Rydex - UK SeaWave&Rydex Seawise Intl Svcs Ltd
Seaworthy Systems Inc Seaworthy Systems Inc - CA Seaworthy Systems Inc - NJ Seaworthy Systems Inc - VA Sectoria Systems AS
Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas SA Servowatch Inc Servowatch Systems Ltd SFWX Inc, Weathertrac SFWX Inc, Weathertrac
Ship & Offshore Design AS Nor Ship Design Solutions Ltd Shipboard Informatics Ltd
Shipmanagement Expert Systems ShipNet AS ShipNet Asia Pte Ltd ShipNet USA Inc Shipping Commercial Ltd
ShippingDesk ShipServ - Denmark ShipServ Ltd SIREHNA
Sirius Logistics Smartcom Software SmartCrane LLC SODENA SA SoftMar
SoftMar SA SoftMar UK Softship AG Softship Argentina Softship Belgium
Softship Data Processing Pte Softship India Softship Nederland Software Systems Consulting South Bay Simulations Inc
SPAR Associates Inc SpecTec Ltd Spectral Technologies Inc SpecTwoSoft Ltd SPG Media Group Plc
SPG Media Group Plc SPG Media Group Plc Square Mile Marine Co Ltd SSPA Sweden - Stockholm SSPA Sweden AB
SSPA Sweden AB Star Information Systems AS Star Information Systems AS Starpath Sch of Navigation STC BV
STC BV STC Group Sterling Commerce Sterling Commerce Inc STF Globecall
STN Schiffselektrik GmbH Strategic Dataworks Ltd Stratos Stratos - London SynchroNet Marine - Chicago
SynchroNet Marine - HK SynchroNet Marine - SNG SynchroNet Marine - UK SynchroNet Marine Inc Syscom SA
SysOpen Digia Plc Systems Union Group Plc TAG Consultants Ltd Takara Tsusho Co Ltd Takara Tsusho Co Ltd
TEAMtalk Satellite - USA TEAMtalk Satellite Ltd Techman Technet Hellas Ltd Techno Fysica BV
Technolog GmbH TECNORisk LLC Teledata Informatics - Greece Teledata Informatics - Mumbai Teledata Informatics - NY
Teledata Informatics - Phlpns Teledata Informatics - Sngpre Teledata Informatics - Thalnd Teledata Informatics Ltd Teledata Marine Systems
Teomaki AS Tero Marine (S) Pte Ltd Tero Marine AS Tero Marine Sor AS TerraVision Pty Ltd
The Nautical Institute Three Quays Marine - Bristol Tideworks Tech - Netherlands Tideworks Tech - Panama Tideworks Technology
Tideworks Technology TIE Commerce Total Soft Bank Ltd Total Trade Chile Totem Plus Ltd
Trade Ship Inc Trans-i Technologies Inc Transas China Ltd - Shanghai Transas Europe GmbH Transas Hellas
Transas Hong Kong Transas Ltd Transas Marine (UK) Ltd Transas Marine Pacific Pte Transas Middle East
Transas Scandinavia AB Transas Technologies Transas Telematics Transas USA Inc Transaxiom (DK) AS
Transaxiom (HK) Ltd Transaxiom (US) Inc Transport Info Svcs (TISAB) TransportEdge Inc TRESCO Engineering BVBA
Tresco Navigation Systems BVBA Trimble Navigation Ltd Triton Imaging Inc UK Hydrographic Office
Ultra SML Technologies Ultra SML Technologies Ulysses Systems Ulysses Systems Inc - Greece Ulysses Systems Pte Ltd
Ulysses Systems UK Ltd UNCTAD Unicorn Marine Services Unitel Universal Systems Ltd
Vacanti Yacht Design Valeport Ltd Van Oossanen & Associates Neth Vector Marine Software Ltd Vector Maritime Systems -Spain
Vector Maritime Systems Ltd Versonix Corp Veson Nautical Corp Videotel Marine Intl Ltd Vilden Associates Inc
Vixsoft Systems Ltd Vixsoft Systems Ltd VS Consultores Weathernews (UK) Ltd Whidbey Island LLC
Wipro Technologies Wolfson Unit-Marine Tech Woods Hole Group World-Link Communications Inc Worldwide Marine Tech Ltd
Wynholds Co, Hans W Xanatos Marine Ltd Xantic Xantic Xantic (HK) Ltd
Xantic Australia - ACT Xantic Brazil Xantic Hollywood FL, Regional Xantic Norway AS Xantic Pte Ltd
Xantic Spain Xantic Srl Xantic Telecomm - Greece Xantic United Arab Emirates Xantic Washington DC
Xantic, Regional Sales Office XN Corp Asia Pte Ltd Yokogawa Marex Ltd YORK Marine Zentech Inc
Zentech India Offshore Ltd Zentech International Ltd Zentech Mexico Zephyr Services Zihua Software LLC
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